If you have credit card debt, traversing the debt payoff landscape may feel overwhelming. While the balance may be intimidating, there are simple tips you can enlist to get out from under debt and enjoy a financial life that's free of stress.
How much do Americans spend on holiday shopping? This year, they are expected to spend 8% more—around $1.8k in total.1 With 28% of polled credit card users reporting that they are still paying off holiday debt from last year,1 planning is crucial to ensure the season of giving doesn’t leave you with more financial stress than holiday cheer.
Cyber Monday, which is on December 2, 2024, is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year, offering incredible deals and discounts that make it easy to fill your virtual cart.
Black Friday is one of the most popular shopping events of the year. Whether you prefer making purchases online or visiting the mall, you may already be writing out a list of what to get.