Why You Should Avoid Carrying a Credit Card Balance

When you go to make a credit card payment, you’re presented with two options: paying the balance off in full or making the minimum payment due. While the latter can be tempting, doing so can negatively impact your financial well-being.

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How You Can Take Advantage of Rising Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve – also referred to as the Fed – is the central bank of the United States. You may have heard their name in the news lately because they are tasked with addressing anything that threatens the U.S. economy’s ability to function as smoothly as possible.

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A Quick Guide to Loan Payments

Loans are a fantastic way to put big-ticket items in reach. Whether you took out a personal loan to fund a home improvement project, an auto loan for a new ride, or a mortgage loan to secure the home of your dreams, you’ll need to make monthly payments to satisfy your obligations as a borrower. 

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Mapping the Homebuying Process from Start to Finish

Are you ready to buy? Plot the course to your dream home with our map to the homebuying process.If you still have questions, schedule an appointment online and visit your nearest General Electric Credit Union (GECU) branch.

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