Business Certificates

Low risk. High return. Create a stronger safety net for your business with GECU Business Certificates.

Savings options with predictable earnings

  • No minimum deposit
  • Competitive rates
  • Guaranteed returns

You want your business to go from point A to point B. Would you rather walk the distance, or take a faster mode of transportation? A GECU Business Certificate helps you reach your business milestones faster. Set aside your excess funds for a low-risk way to build on your business’ growing capital. When your certificate matures you have the option of cashing out to address current needs or reinvesting for continued growth.

  • No monthly maintenance fee.
  • No minimum balance requirement (with the exception of our Jumbo Certificates). 
  • Plan confidently with fixed rates of return.

Business Certificates1

Term Minimum Balance Rate APY
3-Month Certificate $0.01 3.98% 4.05%
6-Month Certificate $0.01 3.83% 3.90%
9-Month Certificate $0.01 3.74% 3.80%
11-Month No-Penalty Certificate* $0.01 3.30% 3.35%
1-Year Certificate $0.01 3.54% 3.60%
18-Month Certificate $0.01 3.35% 3.40%
2-Year Certificate $0.01 3.25% 3.30%
3-Year Certificate $0.01 3.11% 3.15%
5-Year Certificate $0.01 3.01% 3.05%

Business Jumbo Certificates1

Term Minimum Balance Rate APY
1-Year Jumbo Certificate $100,000 3.69% 3.75%
2-Year Jumbo Certificate $100,000 3.45% 3.50%

Business Bump Certificates2

Term Minimum Balance Rate APY
3-Year Bump Certificate $0.01 2.76% 2.80%
5-Year Bump Certificate $0.01 2.67% 2.70%

Monitor your earnings

No matter if you are in the office, or on the road, you can watch your balance grow 24/7 within Business Online Banking and our mobile app.3

Get in touch

Our knowledgeable professionals are here to help. To get started:

General Electric Credit Union is a full-service financial institution headquartered in Cincinnati with branches in Ohio and Kentucky.

Money Minutes Blog

The Benefits of Business Treasury Management

In today's fast-paced business world, managing your company's treasury effectively is key to staying financially stable and growing.

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General Electric Credit Union: Supporting Small Businesses in Challenging Times

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5 Money-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

Running a small business often means working with tight budgets and seeking every possible way to save money without sacrificing on quality or efficiency. Implementing effective cost-saving strategies can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving. 

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Easily pay bills, track transactions, monitor balances and more so you can focus on what matters most -- your mission.