Are you ready to pay off your loan? Congratulations! Whether you used the funds to purchase a new car or get into the house of your dreams, your self-discipline helped you accomplish this financial goal. Payoffs can be requested:
- Via secure chat or email, available in Online Banking or our mobile app1
- By phone at 513.243.4328 or 800.542.7093
- At any GECU location
Note: Requests made before 4 pm will be provided the same day. Requests after 4 pm will be provided on the next business day.
Loan payoffs can be made by providing your checking account routing and account number (free) or by debit or credit card (fee applies).
If a loan is paid off by any means other than cash, GECU must wait 10-business days before releasing the lien. You will receive a congratulations letter after paying off your loan and a second letter notifying you that the lien has been released, and how to obtain a copy of the title. We can provide day of and 10-day payoff quotes and letters.
General Electric Credit Union is a full-service financial institution headquartered in Cincinnati with branches in Ohio and Kentucky.