Bump Rates

This offer has expired. The details listed below, including the stated APY, are accurate as of October 25, 2024, and are applicable to Bump Certificates opened prior to January 3, 2025.

Bump Certificate Rates1

Only applicable to Bump Certificates opened prior to January 3, 2025.

Term Minimum Balance Rate APY
3-Year Bump Certificate $0.01 2.76% 2.80%
3-Year IRA/HSA Bump Certificate $0.01 2.77% 2.80%
5-Year Bump Certificate $0.01 2.67% 2.70%
5-Year IRA Bump Certificate $0.01 2.67% 2.70%

How does it work? 

At the written or verbal request of any Certificate owner, the dividend rate may be changed to the current rate offered on new Certificates without incurring a penalty, one time per year. Note: A signature will be required to process a bump rate increase request.

To initiate a bump request:


General Electric Credit Union is a full-service financial institution headquartered in Cincinnati with branches in Ohio and Kentucky.

Bump Certificate FAQs

The certificate owner has the option to initiate a rate adjustment one (1) time per year, during the term of the certificate at the prevailing GECU rate on that product. For example, if you request a bump on your 3-year Bump Certificate, you will receive the prevailing 3-year Bump Certificate rate and annual percentage yield (APY). At the end of three (3) years, it will automatically mature into a standard 3-year Certificate at the then prevailing dividend rate and APY, unless you choose otherwise.

During the term of your certificate, the certificate owner can initiate a rate adjustment by contacting us or visiting a GECU location. Your signature will be required to complete the request. One rate adjustment can be made per year and is reflective of an anniversary year, based on the certificate open date.

Certificates automatically roll over on the maturity date to a new certificate, with the same term, at the current rate. You’ll be notified by mail one (1) month before maturity and have ten (10) days from the maturity date to withdraw or transfer the funds with no penalty. A certificate addendum is mailed after a certificate rolls over.

We use the daily balance method to calculate the dividends; dividends will be calculated daily and credited to the account monthly.

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