You want a no-nonsense type of credit card and to pay as little as possible for your credit card purchases. Focus on getting our lowest rate on a credit card while still enjoying convenient features.
Explore The Classic card benefits
- No annual fee.
- Manage your credit card within our mobile app and Online Banking to establish good credit habits. Make payments, monitor transactions, view statements, and more.4
- Zero liability for unauthorized transactions.5
View your FICO® Score for free
See your FICO® Score in Online Banking or in the GECU mobile app, updated quarterly. Viewing your score in Online Banking or our mobile app won’t hurt your credit!
Add your card for contactless, secure mobile payments
Make contactless payments in a snap when you add your GECU credit card to your favorite wallet app: Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay™, or Google Pay™.
Customize account alerts for your needs
Set up personalized email or text alerts and reminders to help you stay in tune with your account. You can receive alerts for each transaction or set thresholds, depending on your needs.